Social Media Lock Down

Social media can be an amazing tool to stay connected with others. Whether you use it to keep up with old friends, find new ones with similar interests, or post about your life, remember to be mindful of what you post online and who you trust with your information. You never know who could find it or use it for harm.  

Here’s an example. 

You know those cute ‘Back to School’ photos that many families post? It’s a fun way to celebrate a milestone! Another school year, another year of growing. They talk about what school they go to, who their teacher is, what grade they’re in, what their favorites are; the list goes on. But those are all personal details that, if put into the wrong hands, could be used against you.  


What exactly could they do with this information?  

This information could be used to assist in committing identity theft, or it could serve as hints to your password or security questions. Key details about your family’s life could also be leveraged by strangers to earn your child’s trust.  

What can you do to avoid this? 

Check your privacy settings on all your social media profiles and make sure your posts are private. Security and privacy levels can vary across social media sites. To learn what settings are available on each major platform, and for instructions on how to access and update them, check out this blog from Social Pilot.

Be very careful about who you allow to see your profile and don’t accept friend requests from strangers. If you get a friend request from someone with mutual friends but you don’t know who they are, don’t accept. Only accept friend requests from people you personally know and wish to share your information with.  

Lastly, to avoid the risk altogether, don’t post sensitive information at all. Although access to your profile and posts may be limited to your friends, you never know what they may do with it or who they may show something to, even unintentionally. Anything you post on the internet is considered public, regardless of privacy settings.   

Whether you completely lock down your social media accounts or find a balance that works for you, it’s important to stay educated and aware of what could happen. Make smart choices to keep you, and your family, safe.  


Kids and Cybersecurity


Phishing: A Story